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Daniela Moranchel

Daniela Moranchel CV


Born in Veracruz, México, currently living anywhere my career leads me, started at the UV, went to NYFA for the one year acting for film program and ended my studies in CasAzul (ARGOS) school.
Worked with many important play writers and directors (like Claudia Ríos, Epigmenio Ibarra, Enrique Singer) from the Mexican scene, looking forward to learn from anyone willing to teach me, always looking for improvement and new cities, projects and people to act with.

Additional education

Bachelor in performing arts

CasAzul - Acting

2016 à 2019

Theatre History, Acting for Film, Acting for Theatre, Graham, Classical and Contemporary Dance, Voice Training.


New York City – One Year Certificate – Acting for Film – 2017


Anglais - Fluent

Espagnol - Native language

Allemand - Technical