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A Conversation with NYFA Alum & Cinematographer Sankalp Dubey




NYFA Alum Sankalp Dubey graduated from the One Year Cinematography program in 2022. Since then, Sankalp has worked as a cinematographer on numerous projects.  His most recent project ‘Odd Man Out’ is a TV series on APPLE TV+, TUBI and Peacock TV.

Sankalp spoke to NYFA about the project and his career. 

NYFA Alumni Network: Can you tell us a bit about yourself, where you're from, and what brought you to New York Film Academy?

S.D: Hello, my name is Sankalp Dubey and I am from a small town in India, called Gwalior. I have had a passion for photography since my childhood which then evolved into motion pictures in my teenage years. I fell in love with telling stories through images in my early days and soon got interested in filmmaking in my sophomore year studying engineering. Soon after, I learned about New York Film Academy and the courses NYFA had to offer. I also wanted to try my passion in the heart of Hollywood which brought me here to NYFA Los Angeles. My passion for learning the technicalities of camera and lighting made me choose the cinematography program. Constantly being around creative like minded people grew my inspiration to tell stories visually.

NYFA Alumni Network: What projects have you worked on since graduating? Have you won any awards or been showcased in any festivals or competitions?

S.D: Ever since graduating, I have been primarily working on improving my skills in narrative filmmaking. While I am not Dp’ing, I like being around the camera or the lighting department to observe and learn how other creative people work. I have won 4 Festivals so far including, New York Film Festival, Paris Film Festival, International Independent Film awards and Boston Film Festival. Hopefully more, some of which are in the process of selections. Some of my work Including TV series, features and short films have been premiered in the International Market, Apple Tv, Peacock Tv and Tubi as well. I believe cinematography is a vast playground and it takes a lot of time and hard work to accomplish certain goals.

NYFA Alumni Network: Tell us more about your latest project & how you got involved in the project?

S.D: My latest project is called ‘Odd Man Out’. It is a TV series on APPLE TV+, TUBI and Peacock TV. The story revolves around a man who struggles to find acceptance in his life. I got on this project by being recommended by a friend who is in touch with the Producer and Director of the show. The team usually films in Atlanta but came to Los Angeles to film two of their episodes, which revolves around Santa Monica, where I got the opportunity to become the Director of Photography.

NYFA Alumni Network: What did you learn at NYFA that you applied directly to this project and others?

S.D: I learned a lot at NYFA including how sets flow and the specific jobs for each department. Mostly in my department, I learned a lot about cameras and lighting. The different brands, what different lenses are capable of, how to properly place lights, how to work collaboratively, etc. I use this knowledge every time I step on set. 

NYFA congradulates Sankalp on all his success! 

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